Experience Tyrol

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Cross-country skiing in Tyrol is an absolute pleasure. With a wide range of different tracks and areas to choose from, you can enjoy healthy exercise while marvelling at the stunning alpine landscape.
Tyrol has approximately 4,000 kilometres of well-maintained cross-country ski tracks, which range from easy tracks in the valley to more difficult routes with challenging climbs and fast descents. You can also explore cross-country ski tracks at high elevations to ensure the best snow conditions, and even tracks at 2,500 metres above sea-level on glaciers. You can rent your equipment at specialist rental shops, and take advantage of the offers from top-rated cross-country ski schools. All the Tyrolean regions renowned for first-class cross-country skiing always have superb offers for all cross-country ski enthusiasts as well as all novices of this fabulous Nordic sport.

Cross-country ski tracks in Tyrol



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Privatvermieter Verband Tirol
Mühlweg 2
6401 Inzing

Telefonisch erreichbar :+43 5238 22833
Mo – Fr von 08:00 - 11:30 Uhr

bzw. gerne nach terminlicher Vereinbarung

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