Experience Tyrol

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for a Perfect Tyrolean Holiday

Members of our association are subject to strict quality controls. Seals of quality awarded by the Privatvermieter Verband Tirol serve as a guide to help you choose from the wide range of private accommodations available. We distinguish between 3, 4 and 5 Edelweiss establishments, which must meet specific minimum criteria for quality and comfort.

alpine gastgeber edelweiss
Was die Sterne für die Hotellerie, sind die Edelweiß für die Privatvermieter*innen Tirols. Das Gütesiegel „Edelweiß“ erhalten unsere Mitgliedsbetriebe nach einer sorgfältigen Qualitätskontrolle.

Erstes Kennenlernen

alpine gastgeber 5 edelweiss
This distinction is only awarded to our most exclusive private lodgings (bookable online) with luxurious amenities and fittings, newly built or recently updated accommodation with modern features and first-class furnishings, as well as spacious room and apartment size.

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alpine gastgeber 4 edelweiss superior
Distinction awarded only to exclusive and especially luxurious modern rooms and apartments surpassing the high standard of the 4 Edelweiss distinction. This includes luxurious, modern, spacious rooms, apartments & amenities available for online booking.

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alpine gastgeber 4 edelweiss
This distinction is awarded to first-class establishments (bookable online) that have extremely comfortable, tasteful and top-quality furnishings, a light, friendly and harmonious atmosphere and cater specifically to discriminate living requirements.

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alpine gastgeber drei edelweiss superior
The 3 edelweiss superior accommodation offers first-class accommodation and only misses the 4 edelweiss rating due to minor discrepancies in size, quality, or amenities (incl. online booking options).

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Alpine Gastgeber 3 Edelweiss
These establishments offer comfortable rooms or apartments with a cosy, homely and intimate feel.

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Privatvermieter Verband Tirol
Mühlweg 2
6401 Inzing

Telefonisch erreichbar :+43 5238 22833
Mo – Fr von 08:00 - 11:30 Uhr

bzw. gerne nach terminlicher Vereinbarung

[email protected]

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