Experience Tyrol

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Walk along the idyllic lush meadows, hear the soothing sounds from a gently flowing creek, enjoy the fresh mountain breeze, and take in all the spectacular views of the majestic mountain peaks in the distance – a truly memorable summer holiday in the Alps.

Tyrolean nature has so much to offer for all age groups and people with varying interests. With a wide network of hiking trails, alpine trekking routes, walking paths, mountain bike trails, gentle bike paths, leisurely family bike circuit routes, and road-biking tours, you can explore Tyrolean nature at your own speed and have a fantastic time out in nature.

For all those looking for thrill and excitement, there are so many unique adventures to be had in Tyrol. Try rock climbing and via ferrata routes, high-rope courses, canyoning, rafting, kayaking, and even para-gliding, sky-diving, and bungee-jumping for that incomparable adrenaline rush while on holiday in the Tyrolean Alps.
The small county of Tyrol is located in the heart of Europe and is famous for the spectacular alpine landscape with more than 600 mountain peaks higher than 3,000 metres above sea-level.

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A wide range of choices are available for all biking enthusiasts visiting Tyrol. The amazing alpine landscape may be perfectly suited for skiers during winter, but during summer all bikers can make even better use of the spectacular natural features and explore new areas every single day.

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Ein ausgeschildertes Netz von Wanderwegen, Bergsteig-Pfaden, Walking-Touren, Mountainbike-Strecken, Genuss-Radrundfahrten oder Rennrad-Routen lässt Dich die Natur auf die Weise erleben, die Dir entspricht.

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Privatvermieter Verband Tirol
Mühlweg 2
6401 Inzing

Telefonisch erreichbar :+43 5238 22833
Mo – Fr von 08:00 - 11:30 Uhr

bzw. gerne nach terminlicher Vereinbarung

[email protected]

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